Wednesday, May 1, 2013

SO WHAT! Wednesday ::Health Edition::

I'm linking up with Life After I Dew  for a SO WHAT! Wednesday ::health edition::

This Week I'm Saying So WHAT! If:
  • I ate a fried Reese's when I went to the fair. It only comes once [maybe twice] a year!
  • I could not finish the Jillian Michaels workout on YT. She's evil & clearly a robot.
  • I'm addicted to peanut butter. I eat it with fruit and veggies, so it's kinda good. Right?
  • I don't prep my meals, I'm too lazy.
  • My motivation to cook all of my meals has completely gone out of the window. [See Above]
  • I almost stop at Taco Bell every time I drive past it just for a Baja Blast Freeze. It looks SO good!
  • I haven't picked out new workout shoes because none of the ones I need are cute and I want cute shoes!!
  • I don't feel like cooking, I eat PB & Bananas to fill me up [I know, I know, not the best]
  • I think Sexy Shred is too time consuming for me. I may back out "/

What are you saying SO WHAT! to this week??


  1. I want cute workout shoes too!! :D Following you on GFC :) Would love if you followed me back at My Stay at Home Mama Life :)


  2. Right?! Cute workout gear is a must!

    Thank you, I will :)

  3. Stopping by from SWW! I laughed too hard when you said Jillian Michael's is a robot! I totally agree! Thats woman is tough! :)


  4. I'm with you ladies on the cute workout shoes! I needs some ASAP. Oh, and there's nothing wrong with a healthy dose of PB :)



No rude comments please! They won't be approved. I'd love to read your health/fitness blogs, leave me links!! :)